Teach a Kid to Fish...

by Michael S. Males

Give a kid a fish and you've fed him or her for one meal - but teach a kid how to fish, and you've helped create a lifetime of learning, amazing experiences out on the water, and memories that will last for as long as they live.

Perhaps I am a bit biased as I have seen how fishing has impacted myself, my brothers, and our overall family cohesiveness - but it's still tough to argue the lasting effects that a good day of fishing can do for a young kid.

You see, I grew up fishing with my father, my grandfather, my brothers, my mom, and much of our extended family - and we fished every chance that we could.

It's just what we did growing up, from family vacations to weekend excursions, to just evenings after school, etc. There was always a handful of fishing rods and a tackle box in the car or truck wherever we went.

And I can tell you first hand how much those early fishing excursions as a kid shaped me today in terms of respecting the water, having a burning desire to be outside, unique skill-sets, and even how I raise my own kids today.


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